After School
This list of after-school care providers is for your convenience. Please verify references, as this list is not necessarily a recommendation by AISD or Gullett Elementary. Other providers may be available.
On-Site at Gullett
Extend-A-Care YMCA , or email us at
Van Pick-up (please check w/provider for current status)
Elsass Academy North Central, 512.452.5437
831 Houston Street, 78757Northwest Recreation Center, 512.974.6972
2913 Northland Drive, 78757
Stepping Stone School #1, 512.459.0247
1710 Richcreek road, 78757
Stepping Stone School #9, 512.371.1777
8121 Shoal Creek Boulevard, 78757
Idea Lab, 512.710.5694
8620 Burnet Rd, Austin, TX 78757
Neighborhood Parent Child Care
Beverly Harkey, 512.964.6446
2601 Albata Avenue, 78757